March 15, 2021

Today was okay, but we didn't go over anything interesting. In class, we went over how to gather evidence from sources to support our position in a synthesis essay. Mr. Rease made us take notes and upload them for a grade. I don't think anything else really happened. All I remembered was that I was bored and couldn't wait until class ended. Anyway, I should probably start sleeping earlier. I always stay up until around 2 or 3 in the morning before I sleep. Then I wake up around 6, which isn't the best idea since I don't get much sleep. As I'm typing this blog, I've dozed off about 3 times already. I'll probably take a nap now or sleep earlier tonight. With that being said, I'll chat to y'all next time.


  1. Very informative Geo! Although I think it's not very good that you were waiting for class to end. You definitely should've paid your fullest attention considering the lesson he was going over was rather important. Make sure you get plenty of sleep at night; Sleep helps with learning.

    1. Despite being bored, I always pay full attention.


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