March 22, 2021

 For the first time in a long time, the class had the power to choose the lesson for the day. I chose analysis of a poem because I thought it was the most interesting option available. Unfortunately, the majority of the class wanted to go over writing prompts, which I thought was so lame. Like out of all the options, why pick that one? Well enough about that. Our bell ringer was about stereotypes of men and women and whether or not we stereotype people. Personally, I think that stereotypes don't apply to everyone as everyone is different in some sort of way. It was good to hear others thought about the matter because it gives me a bit of insight into how they think. As we were going over the prompts, I had a bit of trouble focusing since I was tired, but I still got the gist of it. That's about it.


  1. I also was against the writing prompt but it's because I thought it'd be harder than it actually was. Anyways, very interesting description of your day!


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