March 26, 2021

 I didn't think I'd have to make a blog post today since there was no class, but here I am. It honestly felt great not having class today. I was able to get so much more done today because of this. Anyway, the vocabulary words for the asynchronous assignment were so weird. Like who on Earth would be using the word antecedent in their writing, let alone in daily conversation. If I ever see someone do that, I'm classifying them as a psychopath expeditiously. We also had to use all ten vocabulary words to formulate a paragraph, which was a drag. I decided to use Harry Potter as a reference for my paragraph since I started watching the movie series for like the 13th time. I'm currently on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and the Harry Potter series are the best movies of all time. Nobody can make me think otherwise. If you haven't already watched them, I recommend watching them ASAP no Rocky.


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