March 30, 2021

Well, I'm a bit late today. Earlier I had a bad migraine, so I took some Tylenol and have been asleep ever since then. It felt like my head was going to explode. I'm just glad I was able to wake up before tomorrow, so I can complete my post for the day. Anyway, in class, we had to split into our groups from yesterday and create a prompt. We all decided that we would use the subtopic of strict parents. The hard part was getting everyone to communicate how we should do the intro and assignment parts. Again, I pretty much had to initiate every conversation. It's such a drag. It was basically just me and another person giving input, but I eventually got everyone to put some ideas in the chatbox. I then used all those ideas to come up with what I thought was a pretty good intro for a prompt. For the assignment part, I just used one of the questions I came up with yesterday to create a good question for a writing prompt. Overall today's class period was okay. My headache isn't completely gone, so I might hit the bed again. Bonne nuit.


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