March 4, 2021

 I honestly don't even know where to start with today. Okay, so Mr. Rease has assigned the class partners to comment on each other's blogs. I wish we were able to comment under anyone's blog because I feel restricted since I've already been commenting under a couple blogs. Anyway, today was the day of our essay. We were given 40 minutes to type our essay and right before we started, Ryona texted me saying that she had the runs. Not gonna lie, that had me laughing to the point that my cheeks started hurting. It was safe to say that she was extremely nervous. Before I realized it, we had to start, and the prompt was about grit being the deciding factor to success, rather than intelligence and talent. I found this prompt quite easy since I'm a footballer and was able to pull loads of evidence from my experiences. I finished my essay at literally the last second. I was a bit worried because, by the time I got to my conclusion, I only had four minutes left, so I was rushing. Anyway, I was glad that I was able to finish on time. I ended up getting another text from Ryona, and she was talking about how she was only able to get her intro and one body paragraph done. You literally wouldn't believe how hard I was laughing; my mom had to check on me because she thought something was wrong with me. Throughout the day, I was quite bored, and I'm surprised this was the class that uplifted my mood. With that being said, that just about wraps everything up. 


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