April 13, 2021

 Today was way better than yesterday. It was finally time to pick our 7 sources out of the 40 that we had. One of my group members fell asleep during math class, so he wasn't available. It honestly made it easier for us to pick because that was 10 fewer sources that we had to check. I'm starting to like my group a bit more because they're starting to communicate more even though it's mainly one person. I also think I'm getting better at leading. We were able to pick 7 sources quite fast with the method we used. I decided that we check out the required sources from the 3 of us and take a majority decision on who had the best one, and we ended up using 4 of my sources. We started working on our citations shortly after, and my group member gave good advice to cite theirs first, so I can do mines later. I could honestly finish up right now since it's only mines left, but I don't feel like it at the moment. I'll just finish up tomorrow. Bonne nuit.


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