Mock Exam

 Yesterday I had to do a mock exam for the AP test. I had no clue that I was supposed to do it because I thought it was optional. I decided to email Mr. Rease to make sure if I had to do it because one of my friends said I had to. He said that I had to, and I was not in the mood to do it. I did it anyway because it was going to hurt my grade if I didn't do it. I barely finished the multiple-choice questions. I had to guess on the last 8 questions since I had less than 3 minutes left. I got 20/28, so that means I either got all the questions that I guessed on wrong, or I got a couple wrong before I started guessing. The essays were quite easy. I finished with 22 minutes to spare, so I used 12 minutes to review before submitting. I didn't think I'd finish the essays on time because I thought I was taking far too long on the synthesis essay. Despite that, it seems like my pace was great, so that's a relief.


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