Not Paying Attention

 Today Mr. Rease went over the second part of the project we have, which was the college profile. As soon as he started, I felt so exhausted. I kept going in and out of sleep. I'm honestly lucky that he didn't call me to answer any questions. I really just spent the whole time on my phone, so I wouldn't completely fall asleep. It's safe to say that I wasn't paying attention at all. Now that I think about it, he might call on me next time because I know he reads this. I need to make sure I'm awake next period just in case. Thankfully, this section didn't require me to really pay attention, so I was able to finish up the worksheet with ease. Also, Mr. Rease ended class early today, so that was quite nice of him. I honestly don't see the reason why I even attended any of my classes today. I was either dismissed early or had no work. Well, I'll chat to y'all another time. Stay safe!


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