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 AP English Language and Composition can seem like a very rigorous course for most students. When I first go into this course, I really didn't look forward to anything due to what I heard. Most people said that there was a lot of writing, which I didn't look forward to. My advice would be to forget about anything you've heard and just focus on your teacher's instructions. I promise any upcoming student that plans on enrolling in this course that it's actually much easier than it seems. All you have to do is pay close attention to your teacher and take notes on anything that seems important especially the format for the essay. The format makes everything so much easier, so it'd be wise to take note of it and remember it. I recommend starting a blog like I have, whether it's required by your teacher or not. It drastically improves your writing ability. With that being said, I hope you enjoy your time in AP English Language and Composition.

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